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  • R-Undelete install/uninstall/register

1. Run the RUndelete6.exe file.

2. Select the language of the install process:
Language of the install process
Click image to enlarge

3. Run the Setup wizard.
Setup wizard
Click image to enlarge

4. Select whether you want to install the program on your computer or create a portable version on a removable device.
Install type
Click image to enlarge

5. Read the License Agreement and accept its conditions.
License Agreement
Click image to enlarge

6. Read the warning that you must not install the program on the disk where the lost files resided.
Click image to enlarge

7. If necessary, change the destination folder for the program.
Install folder
Click image to enlarge

8. If necessary, change the program group.
Install folder
Click image to enlarge

9. Wait while the program is being installed.
Install completed
Click image to enlarge

You may start the program as soon as the installation finishes.


1. Go to the Control Panel, select Programs, Uninstall aprogram, and double-click R-Undelete:
Install program
Click image to enlarge

2. Select the language of the uninstall process.

3. Start the Uninstall wizard.
Uninstall wizard
Click image to enlarge

4. Start the uninstall process.
Uninstall process
Click image to enlarge

5. Wait while the uninstall process finishes.
Uninstall finished
Click image to enlarge


1. Upon receiving the email with the Registration key, open the attachment, then select and copy the key.

2. Click the Help button and select Upgrade on the shortcut menu.
Help button
Click image to enlarge

3. Enter your registration information and then paste the Registration key. Do not try to type it manually.
Registration dialog box
Click image to enlarge

4. Click the OK button.

4. Read the License Agreement and click the Agree button
License Agreement box
Click image to enlarge

Now R-Undelete can deliver all its power in file recovery.